The Green Challenge: How Labour can champion the environment through Brexit and beyond

SERA – Labour’s Environment Campaign with Greener UK

*To RSVP for this event, sign-up via the Eventbrite page here*

The Dome Room, Hotel du Vin, 2 Ship St
Tuesday 26 September, 12:45 – 14:00

*This event takes place outside of the secure zones, and is therefore accessible to all, including those without a conference pass*

  • Sue Hayman MP
    Shadow Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
  • Mary Creagh MP
    Chair of the Environmental Audit Committee
  • Lord Rooker
    Former DEFRA Minister of State
  • Shaun Spiers (Chair)
    CEO, Green Alliance
  • Stephanie Hilborne OBE
    CEO, The Wildlife Trusts
  • Polly Billington
    Executive Committee Member, SERA

We are at a pivotal moment for the environment in the UK. From air quality standards to nature laws, to the EU energy market, Brexit will shape environmental policy for years to come. But with so many other competing pressures, how can Labour ensure that the environment is not ignored at the negotiating table?

This event will consider how Labour can best champion the environment during Brexit, from the practical checks and scrutiny of the Repeal Bill, to a wider, more ambitious green vision beyond. 

*To RSVP for this event, sign-up via the Eventbrite page here*



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