Every year, Labour’s Environment Campaign – SERA organises a strong and vibrant fringe event programme during the Labour Party Conference. This year, with Labour in government, we held more events than ever on a wide range of topics. These were as diverse as tackling river pollution; ensuring the skilled workforce needed for a just transition; Making sure renewable energy projects are built in harmony with nature; Rebuilding the UK’s international reputation through climate action; Eliminating fuel poverty and many more.
We have grouped these topics below thematically where you will find videos of all of our events at Labour Party Conference 2024.
If you are interested in partnering with us on events throughout the year or at Labour Party Conference 2025 please email [email protected].
Labour, the Environment and the World
Climate Change: Who will be forced to flee their homes and what should we do about it?
A new chemical romance? How closer UK-EU collaboration could benefit the environment
Polluters not taxpayers: How Labour can show global leadership by making oil and gas pay
Rebuilding the UK's Reputation: how the government can drive forward international climate action to protect children's futures in the UK and around the World
The Future of the Green Economy
The Intelligent Environment: Building sustainable data centres
Getting on with the Jobs; how the Labour Government can deliver the supply chain and jobs associated with its Clean Energy Mission
Building Skills for the Future
Waste Not Want Not: How the UK can build a circular economy that wastes nothing by 2030
What role for Carbon Capture and Storage to reach the Paris 1.5C climate targets? Sorting the myths from the reality
Fixing the Tories' Mess
Fixing water pollution without breaking the bank
Putting Warm Words into Action: Eliminating Fuel Poverty is a Labour Mission
Local and Active Environmentalism
Devolving Power - how clean energy generation has to happen at all levels to hit 2030 goals
Pastoral Sympathy: How nature, rural communities and renewables can live in harmony
How can a Labour Government and Labour Mayors and Councils work together to deliver active travel infrastructure?
How will Labour restore our environment while securing a sustainable future for farming?
Rallying the Troops
Labour's Environment Campaign - SERA Rally
Labour, Women and the Environment Open Mic Rally (Anneliese Dodds MP)
Labour, Women and the Environment Open Mic Rally (Sarah Boyack MSP)
Labour, Women and the Environment Open Mic Rally (Cllr Katherine Dunne, Labour Women's Network)
Labour, Women and the Environment Open Mic Rally (Cllr Rachel Eden, Labour's Environment Campaign - SERA Executive)
Welcome Reception Speeches
The Cow in the Room: In conversation with Dale Vince OBE
Celebrating Our Seas
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