Energy, Environment and Europe. Why working together makes sense.

Join us at our joint event with Labour Movement for Europe next week on the need for co-operation in Europe on environmental and energy issues.

6pm, 27 November
Committee Room 6, House of Commons, Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA

Our speakers are:

  • Mary Creagh MP (Shadow DEFRA Secretary)
  • Jonathan Gaventa (Programme Leader at E3G)
  • David Norman (WWF Director of Campaigns)
  • David Schoibl (Chair LME)
  • Chair: Cllr Leonie Cooper (Co-Chair SERA) 
Please allow for 20-30 minutes to make your way through security and up the stairs to the Committee Room. Hence, if you can aim to arrive at Parliament by 17:30, as we’ll be kicking off a 6pm sharp.

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