2pm, Saturday 18th February,
Labour Local Government Conference,
University of Warwick, Coventry
Join SERA and UK100 at Labour Local Government Conference to discuss how cities can take advantage of the clean energy revolution to power local growth.
Speakers include:
Cllr Judith Blake – Leader of Leeds City Council
Cllr Helen Holland – Cabinet Member for Place, Bristol City Council
Cllr Sue Jeffrey – Labour Candidate for Tees Valley Metro Mayor & Leader of Redcar & Cleveland Council
Cllr Jim Noakes – Mayoral Lead for Energy and Smart City, Liverpool City Council
Investing in clean energy locally has huge potential. The jobs it creates (over 110,000 in the UK according to the last international survey by IRENA (2015)) are typically highly skilled and sustained beyond construction. New renewable energy projects create 10 times more jobs than similar-sized fossil fuel investments.
Investment in clean energy infrastructure, from smart grids to electric car charging points, provides local economic stimulus, whilst stable energy prices, free from international speculation, are conducive for business growth. When applied to transport, clean energy also has the potential to tackle air pollution.
Local authorities in the UK can take advantage of the clean energy revolution to power local growth. Leeds is aiming to become the first ‘hydrogen city’ “hydrogen city” hub by converting its gas grid to an all-hydrogen version by 2030, Bournemouth is aiming to attract businesses by becoming a green economy leader and Glasgow has created jobs and green capital by partnering with sustainable business on a variety of projects.
In each city, clean energy is not only providing economic stimulus and a wave of new jobs, but this growth is sustainable, with each city well-equipped to face the low-carbon future.
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