Local Labour Leadership and Clean Air - the health crisis of our times
13.00 on Saturday 3rd February, at the East Midlands Conference Centre, University Park, University of Nottingham NG7 2RJ
Supported by VRMTech UK and UK100
Dirty air is linked to more than 40,000 premature deaths in the UK every year, and Labour Party research shows that nearly 40 million people in the UK are living in areas where illegal levels of air pollution from diesel vehicles risk damaging their health.
Labour nationally has pledged to tackle the national health emergency of air pollution that the Tories have ignored whilst they have been in office. But with the date of the next General Election uncertain, what can Labour local authorities do to act locally to improve air quality, when the Tories won’t act nationally?
- Leonie Cooper AM, Chair of the London Assembly Environment Committee and SERA Executive Committee member
- Andrea Lee, Senior Campaigner Clean Air team, ClientEarth
- Sarah MacFadyen, Policy and Public Affairs Manager for the British Lung Foundation
- Cllr Sally Longford, Nottingham City Council Portfolio Member for Neighbourhood Services and Transport
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