Tracey Hill outlines the Brighton & Hove SERA event later this week.
The Green Party administration in Brighton and Hove has brought many challenges. One of these is where Labour should stand on sustainability. While the Tory-led coalition scuppers Labour’s carbon reduction plans at every turn, it is more important than ever that Labour continues to battle against climate change. But with severe budget cuts, we cannot afford to indulge in poorly-justified vanity schemes at the expense of key services. We need to ask ourselves how carbon reduction initiatives can be used to address the key challenges we face, such as rising living costs, youth unemployment and struggling businesses.
Sera Brighton and Hove invites you to a discussion event to consider which sustainability policies can help us now, as well as moving us towards a cleaner future. This will be a structured debate with policy starting points for small group and general discussion, so that everyone will be able to participate. While Brighton and Hove is the focus, many ideas have much wider applications and we welcome participants from across Sussex.
The event is open to all Labour Party members and their guests, as well as Sera members. If you are interested in sustainability or local policy, and have something to say on Labour and the environment, do come along! Coffee, tea and home-made cake will be provided.
Thursday January 24th at 7.30pm at the Pelham Room, Brighthelm Centre.
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