'Make no mistake - there is a serious danger' - Labour's new EU Leader on Brexit and the Environment
Richard Corbett MEP, the newly elected Leader of Labour’s MEPs, writes for SERA on why it's up to Labour to keep the environmental pressure on the Tories during the Brexit negotiations.
The Fisheries Bill: Taking Back Control of Our Waters?
As the Labour Friends of Fishing is launched to support the UK's fishing communities, we publish Melanie Onn's article for New Ground on the demands for next year's Fisheries Bill, and why getting it right is so vital for towns like Grimsby.
Post-Brexit An Ambitious Environmental Policy is Necessary
The Brexit vote makes the need for an ambitious environmental policy more important than ever. The Labour party has a critical role to play in making sure this happens, argues Nick Molho, Executive Director of the Aldersgate Group
Brexit: The Future of Food Outside the EU
Kerry Mccarthy MP on what leaving the EU means for food and farming - and why the end of the CAP could be an opportunity to reshape agriculture for the better.
Hard Brexit...Soft Brexit - What about a 'Moral Brexit'?
Samantha Heath on why the UK's green credentials are a positive for trade deals, not a barrier.
Brexit: Why we need a new Environmental Protection Act
Mary Creagh MP on why no deal is absolutely the worst deal for our country and environment, and why Brexit means a new Environmental Protection Act is essential
May's Damning Silence on Brexit and the Environment
As the Prime Minister ignores the environment in her Brexit priorities, green groups now face the fight of our lives
Read moreNew Ground Autumn Edition: Brexit and the Environment
The latest edition of New Ground is out with a range of views and perspectives on the implications for nature, climate change and environmental policies through Brexit. With views from Michael Jacobs, Kerry McCarthy MP and Nick Mohlo (Aldersgate Group), Leonie Cooper, Seb Dance MEP and more and guest piece from the Australian Labor Environment Action Network (LEAN) on greening the Australian Labor Party.
‘Brexit and the implications for the environment’: Keir Starmer MP speech
Sir Keir Starmer MP, the Shadow Exiting Europe Secretary, will give his first major speech on the implications for the environment through Britain leaving the Europe Union to SERA: Labour’s environment campaign.
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What does Brexit mean for the Environment? | Daniel Zeichner MP
We live in a very divided country. I voted to remain in the EU, as did the majority of the people in Cambridge I represent. I will always vote against any attempt to take us out of the EU in Parliament – to reflect the views of my constituents as well as my own conscience. Some criticise, saying that people like me refuse to accept the result. I recognise the result, but that doesn’t make me agree with it, nor will it stop me and many others doing everything in our power to reverse it, and build a better, more positive relationship with our neighbours in Europe. In the months leading up to the referendum, environmental issues rarely got a mention, but it is the UK’s environmental legislation that is perhaps most intricately intertwined with the EU because so much originated at EU level. Indeed the two have developed mutually and interdependently over the last few decades, an example of the success of our relationships.
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