Hackney's Clean Energy Revolution
Rather than wait for national government to turn rhetoric into action, Labour local governments across the UK are getting on with the radical action needed to tackle climate change. Here, Cllr Jon Burke explains how Hackney's driving an ambitious shift to clean energy.
Lightening up Liverpool: Why we dropped sodium and embraced LED lamps
As 10:10 launch their 'Lighten Up' campaign encouraging councils to switch to LED, Cllr James Roberts writes about how Liverpool made the switch, saving the council millions of pounds in the process.
On the Frontline Against Fracking
SERA Executive Member Louisa Casson writes about her visit to Lancashire’s fracking protests this summer, and Labour’s role in defending communities at risk.
The Business of Becoming a Sustainable Nation
Ahead of the long-awaited publication of the Government’s Clean Growth Plan, Anna McMorrin, MP for Cardiff North, looks at how one country can lead the way to a greener, more prosperous future.
Why there is no Carbon Plan to meet the Fifth Carbon Budget... yet
Emissions Reduction Plan, Carbon Plan, Clean Growth Plan - whatever you call it, you'd have a hard job finding the government's response to the Fifth Carbon Budget. Dr Alan Whitehead MP writes
SERA Welcomes Labour Manifesto's Bold Green Ambition
From energy efficiency to sustainable farming, Labour’s manifesto, launched today, offers real leadership on the environment
It's Up to Labour to Divest Parliament
SERA EXEC Member Louisa Casson on why Labour parliamentary candidates should support the Divest Parliament campaign - and what SERA members can do to support it.
Image via Divest Parliament Twitter account.
Read moreWhat SERA wants to see in Labour's Election Manifesto
Protecting the planet and growing the economy for a fairer Britain - SERA’s Manifesto 2017
Read moreMaking the case for municipal energy - Cllr Alan Sitkin on energetik
Earlier this year it was announced that Enfield Council was to invest £58m in 'energetik', its own local energy company, set up to fight climate change and fuel poverty and ’revolutionise’ north London’s energy future. But how did this project develop? Cllr Alan Sitkin, Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration and Business writes.
Read moreEquipping the Tees Valley for the Clean Energy Era
From capturing carbon dioxide for fizzy drinks to reusing industrial heat, Cllr Sue Jeffrey, Leader of Redcar and Cleveland Council and Labour's candidate for Tees Valley Metro Mayor, on Tees Valley's ambitious plans
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