Following last week’s announcement of a gas and electricity price freeze until 2017 by Ed Miliband, Melanie Smallman outlines SERA’s support for the measure.
- Last winter around 2,500 people died because of the cold. At SERA we put social justice on the same footing as environmental justice. Action to prevent these unnecessary deaths and to help working families make ends meet must be at the heart of our thinking.
- The proposals to freeze bills are coupled with significant plans to change the energy market – specifically to create a wholesale pool and to break the dominance of the Big Six. This will be a significant boost to renewables and help them access the market more fairly.
- Energy companies have failed to make the necessary investment in our energy infrastructure even with unregulated – and out of control – prices.
- The proposals come with a continuing commitment to insulation and energy efficiency – aiming to improve the pitiful performance of the Coalition’s Green Deal.
The Tory-led Coalition Government could freeze people’s energy bills and reform the energy market right now.
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